Technology: Philadelphia Police Test Motorola’s Public Safety Broadband

Motorola Software Engineer, Saurabh Singhal, drives a patrol car equipped with a laptop that feds live video via Motorola's high-speed Internet.

A dozen or so reporters and police officers sat down last week in a dimly lit room at the Philadelphia Police Academy to listen to how police can use broadband technology.

Motorola’s Vice President Rishi Bhaskar presented the Philadelphia police with Motorola’s new Public Safety Broadband over 4G technology.

Bhaskar explained how 4G technology is used on smart phones by millions of people each day. The same technology that makes it possible to check for directions while lost or pay credit card bills while standing in line for a morning coffee will now be available to better assist police officers on patrol.

Motorola software engineer Saurabh Singhal drives a patrol car equipped with a laptop that feeds live video via Motorola's high-speed Internet.

The broadband connection will enable officers to transmit video while they are making stops and arrests. A laptop is installed on the dashboard and a camera is mounted to the windshield of the patrol car.

Motorola’s Safety Broadband technology compiles multiple video streams in an aggregate application. The program then prioritizes which officers receive the video and at what quality. There is also an emergency button in the cars that grants immediate video access.

Bhaskar demonstrated Motorola’s Safety Broadband by simulating live video from four different cars. He noted that traffic stops, violent crimes and even school violence could be responded to quicker and more efficiently with the benefits of a wireless Internet video feed.


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