Arts & Entertainment: Bands Strive to Make Their Mark and Captivate Audiences

Bryn Athyn Band playing at Sweeneys on a Saturday night.

In the midst of the pandemic, local music artists are bravely stepping themselves onto the stage to perform their music and show their talent making their voices be heard. With live performances limited and venues constrained, these musicians are finding innovative ways to build up their work and gain recognition.  

“During Covid times it was hard to get our music to be heard especially since we didn’t have a huge following back then, but we didn’t let that stop us and we kept pushing our stuff out through social media,” Anthony Zollo, singer/guitarist for Bryn Athyn, said. “It’s really about connecting people through our music.”  

These artists are refusing to let the challenges dim their passion. Jeff Porrini, creator of The YoShow, invites these local bands to perform in various places to help them get out there.  

“You start to find more like-minded people with the same outlook and growing up for me everywhere in Philadelphia had music, I want that back, so we are trying to bring that back.” Porrini said. “That’s the goal really.”

In a world dominated by major labels and streaming platforms, these local artists are a reminder that community support is important. Whether people who are attending a virtual concert, sharing music through social media, or just spreading the word to friends and family, every single bit of support helps these musicians on their journey.  

The future of live music continues to grow after the pandemic with Philadelphia venues opening and letting all these bands perform at their places. The passion and resilience of these local bands are continuing to shine and inspiring audiences with their creativity and authenticity to their craft.  

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