If your video is under two minutes long, you shouldn’t need to compress. Vimeo now automatically compresses your videos when you upload. If your video file is large or seems to be taking forever to upload to Vimeo, you may want to compress it. Below are instructions for using Compressor.
Export your sequence as a Quicktime Movie file to the desktop or to your external hard drive. Instructions can be seen here.
Add our custom MURL compression setting to Compressor.
If you are at TUCC and using an MURL computer you may skip this step.
If you are not using an MURL computer at TUCC…
Download our custom MURL Compressor Preset here & save it to your desktop.
***Just click “Download This File.” Don’t bother signing up. ***
Save by dragging the download file to the desktop.
Again- Make sure to drag it to your desktop. You will get an error message if you don’t work with this file by dragging it around.
Open Compressor
Once in compressor, minimize the “preview” and “history” windows so that you can see the settings icon on your desktop to drag over.
Minimize the two windows on the right side of your screen
Now drag the MURL Preset to the “Custom Settings” Folder as shown below
You are now ready to compress your file.
Drag your Quicktime Movie file from your desktop to the Compressor area which reads “files and settings.” Then drag the MURL preset setting to that same area.
Toggle from the “settings” tab to the “destinations” and drag “desktop” to the same area that you dragged the file & settings to described in the previous step.
You will see the text turn red. This is because you are telling it to send back the movie file with the same name which already exists on the desktop. Simply rename the movie file to correct this.
Click Submit and you are all done!
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