–Grammar, punctuation and Associated Press style errors face deductions of one point for each one.
–The use of an Oxford comma results is a deduction of two points for each use. The following is an Oxford comma: I ate apples, peaches, [Oxford comma] and pears. Journalistic style is the following: I ate apples, peaches and pears. A comma can precede “and” and “but” if a complete sentence follows in journalism. I didn’t want to go, but my friends insisted that I come.
–Headlines must start with the name of the neighborhood and followed by a colon. The rest of the headline must be in caps and lower case except for small words such as “a.” “and” and “the.” An error here causes a deduction of one point on a blog and two points on a story.
–Photos: Must include a person except in specific circumstances where the focus is on a place or thing. Photos must be flush left or right. Nothing can be centered. Two points off for each photo without people unless some reason exists.
–Photo captions must be complete sentence. Each error will result in a deduction of one point.
–A featured image must accompany all blogs and stories. An error on a blog costs one point. An error on a story costs two points.
–Naming conventions must be followed precisely. If they are not, a deduction of one point will occur for each error. A photo or video should be named in the following way: su13yourgroupnumberneighborhoodassignmentdescriptionofphoto.jpg. Therefore, it should be su1115kensingtoncampaignbus.jpg and su1315kensingtoncampaign.mov
–Bylines must follow this style: By Christopher Harper and Linn Washington in a custom field. An error costs one point for a blog and two points for a story.
–The use of an anonymous source will result in a deduction of one letter grade of the overall grade on any assignment.
–Video: Start your stories from first frame of video and dissolve to black for two seconds or so. Do not start on black. Do not freeze your last frame. A deduction of two points will occur if not done properly.
–Lower thirds should come up two seconds after someone talks for the most part. The lower third should stay up three to four seconds. You want to dissolve in and out. Lower third should be black with white Verdana type and a maximum of two lines. Stay away from acronyms. Lower thirds should be flush left. A deduction of two points per error will be assessed.
–PN signoff, which must occur over picture, is your name, Philadelphia Neighborhoods, your neighborhood or the location you are in. For example, Linn Washington, Philadelphia Neighborhoods, Kensington. A deduction of two points will be assessed for an improper sign off.
–Paragraphs should be flush left and a space between them. Minus two points for improper spacing.
–No tags cost one point on a blog and two points on a story.
–No SEO on a story costs two points.
–Other deductions will occur based on the quality of the content, the use of data and organizational structure.
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