The spring-cleaning bug—we’ve all felt it. It’s that almost insatiable need to rearrange a room, dust and polish everything within sight and of course, throw stuff out. It is a time to get rid of all the stuff that you can’t remember why you ever bought in the first place. Out with the old and in with the new, right?
For Astro Vintage, a vintage boutique located at 720 S. 5th St., getting rid of stuff is the ultimate faux pas. However, the livelihood of this store relies heavily on everyone else’s purging, considering that it sells vintage items from the 1950s through the 1980s. If people never got rid of things perhaps Astro Vintage would be nonexistent.
Owner of Astro Vintage, Karin Elizabeth has worked in the retail industry for the past 12 years so she is definitely no stranger to the in’s and out’s of the industry. She opened the store in order to make a business out of something she loves—vintage. Her stores offers transitional pieces such as clothing, furniture, accessories, etc. that are just as relevant and aesthetically identifiable today, as they were 20 years ago.
It seems that what Astro Vintage is doing is much like an art. In order to realize the potential of a piece, one must have a certain know-how that others perhaps, do not. The boutique offers a wide array of pieces that are unique and fun. So, if you’re looking for something a bit different or maybe something very one-of-a-kind, Astro Vintage is the go-to store.
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