A new 92,000-square-foot Wal-Mart will officially open its doors today at the Aramingo Crossings Shopping Center at 2200 Wheatsheaf Lane, bringing an estimated 300 jobs to the area.

To welcome the new employees a preview ceremony was held yesterday evening, complete with entertainment by the local Polish American String Band and presentations by local politicians.
Councilman Mark Squilla from the 1st District was among the members welcoming the opening of the store.
“We want people to find a job, be able to buy a house and to send their kids to school within the community,” Squilla said.
The impact the store hopes to bring to the region includes the new jobs, which in turn will attract new customers to the area and ultimately drive an increase in tax revenue to support Port Richmond’s economy.

“This new Wal-Mart will be part of a solution to the City of Philadelphia for customers who need offerings at affordable prices and working with charitable partners from the Port Richmond neighborhood,” said Wal-Mart Director of Operations Amy Corso.
Walmart also doled out $25,000 in grants to non-profit partners in the Port Richmond area, including Port Richmond On Patrol and Civic Association, Port Richmond Town Watch, 24th District Police, Polish American String Band, Bridgesburg Cougars, Firm Hope Baptist Church, Our Lady of Port Richmond, Tigers Sports Association and Leprechauns Sports Association.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony will be held today as the Wal-Mart in Port Richmond opens for business.
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