North Philadelphia: Echoes of Resilience in Philadelphia Youth 

Penrose Playground in North Philadelphia after school with one man and no youth. Feb. 29, 2024, 2:54 pm (Petula Philp/PN)

In the heart of North Philadelphia, where urban landscapes are dotted with historical significance and vibrant communities, third spaces have emerged as a beacon of hope for local youth. Third spaces can be described as any place away from your “first place” being home and “second place” being work and/or school. Think of it as a chosen place, a comfortable location for growth, socialization, and creativity outside of places we must be. The importance of third spaces has never been more evident on the bustling streets of North Philadelphia, where urban life challenges often intersect with its youth’s aspirations.  

Mikel Chesnut, a dedicated employee at the local Columbia North YMCA, explained how important afterschool programs are in the lives of North Philadelphia’s youth. 

“Our programs at the YMCA cater to a wide range of interests and needs for the local youth,” Chesnut said. “From the Amazing Teen Tech sponsored by Best Buy to sports like basketball and soccer, we aim to provide avenues for personal growth and skill development.” 

Chesnut describes a wide range of offerings, including computer literacy classes, college trips, and even a daycare center.  

When asked about the process of signing up for these programs, Chesnut said that an adult is required to initiate membership, and the entire process takes about 45 minutes. He also emphasized the YMCA’s collaboration with local schools, including Alliance Charter School and Penn Treaties, which expands students’ opportunities. 

During after school hours at rec centers and recreational parks, Philadelphia youth lacks. This could have been an opportunity for a third space for kids to be kids. Instead, there is a greater presence of them on a college campus right in the middle of their city.  

An adult at Penrose Playground in North Philadelphia after school Feb. 29, 2024, 2:54 pm (Petula Philp/PN)

Their lack of third spaces for themselves reflects the lack of spaces made for them actually being comfortable for them. Part of being a kid is feeling safe while having fun. In North Philadelphia, safety is their greatest concern, walking around, or even on a playground. Spaces made for them are embedded with the presence of adults that do not ensure their safety.  

Chesnut expresses concern about Temple University’s encroachment on spaces previously used by the youth.  

“Temple’s is taking up spaces that used to be for the youth as they are expanding,” he said. “I grew up here and a lot of what they’ve built is taking away from us.” 

For North Philadelphia students like Shay Ona, 17, and Namira Kane, 17, of TECH Freire Charter School, the importance of these third spaces cannot be overstated.  

A place like Temple University meant for young adults has caught the attention of children because “it’s safer than other places in North Philly, if we’re not around Temple’s campus, we are probably spending time downtown,” Ona said. “The only downside where Temple doesn’t benefit us is the lack of access unless you’re a student.”  

“If I’m not going to work, I’m going home and going to bed,” Kane shared. 

Home, school and work are areas that promote social and educational growth. But the importance of a space of your choosing to express yourself and shared interests benefits creative growth. Which is an important aspect of not only childhood but livelihood. 

“It can be chaotic in this area,” Ona explained. “Especially with our school being right in the middle of Broad St., where there is a lot of conflict, violence, and traffic, getting to and from school is difficult.”  

Despite the difficulties, the resilience of North Philadelphia’s youth shines through as they chart their course, fueled by the opportunities found in these critical third spaces. As the community evolves, preserving and expanding such spaces is critical to fostering the growth and prosperity of its youngest members. 

Please email any questions or concerns about this story to: [email protected]  


  1. This article was amazing. I truly have gained a wider perspective on why it’s so important for children to have a place where they can express themselves, outside of school and home.

  2. thank you for keeping us informed on this issue and reminding the citizens of philadelphia to make a little more space, there’s more than enough to share!

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