In a rousing community policy meeting, residents and liaisons for local organizations assembled to discuss and develop action plans for multiple neighborhood issues.
“We want to see results and to sustain those results,” Mike Cormany, a local school crossing guard, said.
Attendees gathered in a meeting held in a small conference room in the office of State Rep. Vanessa Lowery Brown to develop strategies and gather evidence to address problems such as trash removal, child safety, driving regulations and lack of police response.
“Why are they [the police] not coming when they’re called?” Mary Pouncey asked. “We were out there two hours waiting for a police officer to come before we found my brother deceased in his apartment.”
Pouncey and others found her brother at 3:29 p.m. on Nov. 29 after climbing through his apartment window. Police did not arrive until around 5:30 p.m.
Another major issue discussed was the new tax assessment, which will affect residents, especially those who bought homes when the real estate market was down.
“I know some folks got hit anywhere from $1,500 up to over $2,000 more a year in taxes,” Cormany said.
On March 28 residents will gather for a quarterly community briefing meeting at the Christian Stronghold Church at 4701 Lancaster Ave. to present these issues and evidence to community leaders and elected officials.
Community policy meetings are held every third Thursday of the month.
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