South Philadelphia: Homeless People Are Struggling To Survive In The City

A man dressed in dirty, oversized clothes goes to various corners in South Philadelphia every day with a sign that reads ‘homeless and hungry.’ He nods and waves to the cars who just pass him by, and gives his thanks to the drivers that stop briefly to give him money or food. Without this kindness, he would not eat.


Michael Daly (above) has been experiencing homelessness for the past year. Daly, 21, said he cannot believe at one point in his life he had such luxuries like the opportunity to travel to California for vacation. Now, Daly said he has nothing.

“Most people ignore me, but sometimes people will yell things at me,” said Daly. ”They tell me to get a job, they tell me I stink—I hate that the most. If I could take a shower every day I would.”


According to Project H.O.M.E., there are more than 500,000 homeless people in the United States. Out of all of them, 31 percent are living on the streets as opposed to a shelter.

The organization goes on to state Philadelphia alone has more than 13,000 homeless people, both living on the streets and involved in programs and shelters. Approximately 650 homeless individuals sleep on the streets of Philadelphia on any given night.]

P.B. (pictured below), 33, is what he calls an ex-traveler. Originally from Atlantic City, New Jersey, P.B. and his dog Malakye, who he found hopping around in the snow when he was a puppy, have traveled much of the United States and parts of Canada together for the past three-and-a-half years, by sneaking on freight trains.


“I wanted to settle down in Philly,” said P.B. “I align myself with the underground punk scene. The hipsters think ex-travelers are cool, so they let me stay with them sometimes. But they’re wrong. There is nothing cool about this.”


With extensive traveling comes an abundance of stories and experiences, both good and bad.

According to P.B., he has been lucky enough to have had a man buy him a sleeping bag made for weather below zero degrees, an act that he thinks saved his life that winter.

However, he has also had multiple men pull weapons on him just for being in the wrong place at the wrong time.

“I’ve seen five people die before,” said P.B. “I’ve seen a guy get his head smashed in by a lock wrapped in a handkerchief. I had a man come at me with a knife telling me to get off his street. Like his name was on it.”

According to Project H.O.M.E., some of the causes of homelessness are poverty due to a lack of jobs with competitive living wages, lack of adequate public supports or earned benefits, lack of affordable transportation, lack of affordable housing and inadequate housing assistance, lack of affordable health care, domestic violence and inadequate support for mental and substance use challenges.

Estimates made by the city of Philadelphia in an article by AxisPhilly show that the percentage of people in need of emergency shelter has dramatically increased, from 17 percent in 2011 to 48 percent in 2013.


Frank Eleby, 51, has been homeless for most of his life. According to Eleby, he spent one winter living in an abandoned van on North 17th Street.

“Even with 10 blankets on top of me I was freezing,” said Eleby. “I made the mistake of not covering my feet up all of the way. I woke up with incredible pain. The blood in my feet started to freeze, and I could feel the blood slushing up.”

Despite the dangers, Eleby said he persevered, and is now living in a shelter trying to get his life back on track.


Homeless individuals have always occupied the streets, no matter the year or season. Despite squatting in an empty home, hopping from train to train, or just standing on the street with a sign that reads ‘homeless and hungry,’ many are just doing what they can to survive.

Text, photos and video by Christine Irving and Sarah DeSantis.


  1. Put the homeless to work. Give them brooms to sweep the streets. Have them work as laborers filling pot holes cleaning vacant lots picking up trash etc.. It’s better then them laying around in there own filth. And shame on the people who enable them. Most are lazy young white drug addicts I’m all for chain gangs if you don’t work you don’t eat or get room and board. Why should working class hard working people. Have to support these low lives. This will give the homeless some sense of worth and dignity. That’s the problem with this country the give free things to people work don’t won’t to contribute and are looking for a free ride.

  2. I know Mike. I used to be home less with him I hope to God he is going to get off street. I did. Im back in mass and clean and sober m

  3. I think my son, Donald Saltsgaver, age 55, is homeless and living on the streets in
    South Philly. He severed contact with me over 10 years ago. At that point he had never been an addict, but was suffering from bi-polar disorder and having trouble staying on his meds. I could help him if I could find him, but those in charge are not willing to share information. I drove from Southern Indiana to Philly last year and walked the streets for a week hoping to spot him, but did not. The police told me he wasn’t in their system. No one else would tell me anything. If anyone knows Donald, please convince him to contact his Dad.

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