The Carpet Shop in Fox Chase is holding an “Ugliest Floor Contest” and will be giving away a $50 gift certificate to the person with the butt-ugliest floor to help them redecorate before the holiday festivities begin.
People uploaded pictures of their ugly floors to The Carpet Shop’s Facebook page until Monday. Yesterday, a “panel of ugly floor experts” began choosing the five most horrid looking floors. The public will get to vote on the absolute ugliest one out of the five.
The Carpet Shop has been in Fox Chase for 40 years and has “floored” much of the Delaware Valley as well as other areas as far out as the Jersey Shore. The Ugliest Floor Contest shows that after so many years of business, the store is still alive and well.
“We were just trying to figure out something fun to do,” said Joyce Dollak, who owns The Carpet Shop along with her husband Joseph Dollak. “The holidays are coming up and we thought we would help any of our customers or anybody in the neighborhood. We know a lot of people like to fix up for the holidays and this is just a little incentive.”
Here are a few of the Ugly Floor contenders:
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