Nicetown Park, located at 4301 Germantown Ave., caters to community events and offers a playground for young children. The space is also occupied by two open fields that are kept clean and for any outdoor activities.
Tyra Johnson, a mother of five, said she believes the park has become a significant resource for the local community. Its convenient location makes it accessible for a lot of families to come and watch their children play without worrying about street traffic.
“The kids always like to leave the block and come over here to play. There is a lot of different activities here for them to do,” Johnson said.

This park is protected by the Nicetown Community Development Corp., which was founded in 1999 to “establish comprehensive socio-economic development initiatives for the residents of Nicetown and the surrounding communities.”
In order to keep the park active, the NTCDC’s mission has also adopted the Clean & Safe Initiative to help make Nicetown Park an enjoyable and trusted place for all community members.
“I like to play football, handball or just ride my bike around,” said Kyyaad Johnson, Tyra’s 14-year-old son. “It is a fun place for me to play and be with my friends.”
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