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On the corner of 39th and Lancaster Avenue stands an unusual building with a circular facade like no other on the street. This building is perfect to house an organization like no other nearby, Mighty Writers.
Mighty Writers is a nonprofit organization that teaches students how to write and think clearly.
“We provide writing programs and workshops with the goal of having the students’ writing skills up above proficiency,” said Annette John-Hall, the director of Mighty Writers programs in West Philadelphia, “so that they can utilize that most fundamental skill in whatever they decide to do in life.”
The organization, which opened in West Philadelphia this fall, offers many programs to help children become better writers. One of the more popular programs is their after-school academy.

The Mighty Academy, as the after-school program is known, is offered from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. from Monday through Thursday throughout the fall. The program is only limited to 24 students this school year and those students have access to a team of tutors who are there to help their writing skills anyway that they can.
Local student Saabir D. loves the Mighty Writers program and what he gets to write about.
“We write about different topics and situations,” said Saabir. “They help me write better paragraphs.”
Another student, Iyana D., said she was a sloppy writer before joining the academy but now her writing has improved greatly. She said that Mighty Writers has taught her a valuable lesson that she hopes all the students are able to learn:
“To have fun with your writing,” she offered.
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