Queen Village: The Philly Goat Project Arrives To Help Teach Children About Sustainability
The Philly Goat Project has been helping children learn about caring for the planet. [continue reading…]
The Philly Goat Project has been helping children learn about caring for the planet. [continue reading…]
The Environmental Committee of Philadelphia City Council approved three bills on Oct. 2, 2019, that will be heard at the next general meeting of council. The bills concern environmental maintenance of large buildings, phasing out [continue reading…]
One of the best parts of Sarah Anton’s job is meeting and interacting with neighbors, she said. As the president of the Passyunk Square Civic Association (PSCA), Anton heads the organization in part responsible for [continue reading…]
Outside of Fairmount Park, one might be surprised to hear there is a six-acre plot of land in East Falls that remains completely natural and undeveloped. But within the neighborhood, there is a great deal [continue reading…]
Over the past 30 years, Rebuilding Together Philadelphia has renovated neglected homes and assisted people earning low-incomes in specifically selected areas of the city. On June 1 and 2, volunteers, experts and neighbors reconditioned 10 [continue reading…]
Sam Holloschutz — born and raised in Philadelphia — is a board member at the Fairmount Civic Association and the chair of the FCA’s Neighborhood Improvement Committee. He’s also the block captain for the 800 [continue reading…]
Finding a place to care for plants or harvest crops in an urban setting like Philadelphia may not be easy. However, throughout the city there are more than 60 community gardens at the public’s disposal. If [continue reading…]
Finding the time and energy to maintain one’s property can be a daunting task in a city like Philadelphia. In certain neighborhoods, having “curb appeal” can be as simple as not having a pileup of [continue reading…]
As litter from the sea washed upon the white sand beaches of Puerto Rico, Doryán De Angel discovered her zeal. Fueling her fervor for the recovery of Earth’s waterways, the environmentalist is now the community [continue reading…]
In 2011, the Brewerytown CDC and the Fairmount CDC collaborated to turn an abandoned lot into a space the two neighborhoods could put to use, creating the foundation for the community run Girard-Dream Garden. With [continue reading…]
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